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Purchase RecipeToolsRecipeTools is a collection of functions to give a programmer extra tools in the creation and management of recipes in MA3. These tools include Auto-Recipe, Searching, Cloning, Removing, Replacing and Cleaning Up of existing recipe lines along with more features.
Use this button to create a set of macros that allows you to interact with the plugin without using the GUI.
Enter a list of groups here, and Auto-Recipe will only build recipes for these groups. This means that Auto-Recipe will then exclusively create recipes to the specified groups.
You can specify whether, when running Auto-Recipe, the plugin will automatically run the cleanup function for recipe lines.
With this setting turned on, recipes will be removed from your programmer after a store action has been performed.
MATricks Mode defines which recipes your programmer MAtricks are applied to when using AutoRecipe.
"Selected Only" - only applies the current programmer MAtricks to recipes in your programmer where you still have that group selected.
"All Programmer" - applies the programmer MAtricks to all recipes in the programmer.
Auto-Recipe allows you to program naturally on the console by selecting groups and presets. RecipeTools will automatically calculate and assign recipe lines to the programmer, ready for you to store in a preset or sequence. Additionally, Auto-Recipe will adhere to any MATricks pool objects selected or assigned via the MATricks Editor.
You can use the Macro or the plugin's GUI to toggle the Auto-Recipe state on or off. When Auto-Recipe is on, a yellow chef's hat can be seen in the Command Line. You can also toggle the Auto-Recipe function on and off by tapping this icon.
As an alternative to Auto-Recipe, you can apply the desired values into the programmer first and then run this function to convert those values into recipes in the programmer retrospectively.
This function allows you to revert recipes in the programmer back to traditional values, effectively removing the recipes while retaining the current values. It is specifically designed to be used alongside Auto-Recipe, providing a solution if you've created recipes that you would prefer not to keep.
This function allows you to search for recipe lines in a specified destination, such as within presets, sequences, the programmer, or everywhere. You can then perform an action on the query, such as replacing, removing, or cloning.
This function allows you to search for and replace recipes in a specified destination. For example, you can search for any occurrences of "Preset 21.1" and replace it with "Preset 21.2" throughout your target locations. There are options for "One to Many" or "One to One" mappings. "One to Many" means that for every search recipe found, it will be replaced with each of your replacement recipes. "One to One" means that search recipe 1 will be replaced with replacement recipe 1, search recipe 2 with replacement recipe 2, and so on.
Macro Line | Usage |
Plugin RecipeTools "Search Programmer" | This will open the GUI with the search recipes filled in based on the recipes in your programmer. |
Plugin RecipeTools "Search Replace Programmer" | This will open the GUI with the replace recipes filled in based on the recipes in your programmer. |
Plugin RecipeTools "Search Group 1 At Preset 21.1 Replace Group 2" | This will open the GUI with a search recipe of Group 1 and Preset 21.1, and a replace recipe of just Group 2. The result of this will be any recipe found with Group 1 At Preset 21.1 will have Group 1 replaced with Group 2. |
Plugin RecipeTools "Search Group 1 At Preset 21.1 Replace Group 2 If Sequence 1 /nc" | This will perform the search and replace operation without opening the GUI. It will also only search and replace recipes within Sequence 1 because you provided an If filter. |
Plugin RecipeTools "Search Group 1 Thru 4 At Preset 21.1 Replace Group 11 Thru 14 If Sequence 1 /1to1 /nc" | This will also perform a search/replace operation without opening the GUI. But with a one to one mapping. Eg any recipe found with Group 1 At Preset 21.1 will be replaced with Group 11 At Preset 21.1 and any recipe found with Group 2 At Preset 21.1 will be replaced with Group 12 At Preset 21.1 and so on…. |
This function allows you to search in a specified location or throughout the showfile to remove recipe lines that meet the entered search criteria.
Macro Line | Usage |
Plugin RecipeTools "Search Group 1 Thru 4 At Preset 21.1 Remove If Sequence 1 Cue 5 Thru 11 /nc" | This will perform a search remove for any recipe line in sequence 1, cues 1 Thru 5, that contains groups 1,2,3 or 4. because of the "/nc", this will action without opening the GUI. |
This function allows you to search for and clone recipe lines. It works similarly to the search/replace function, with the key difference being that the original recipe remains untouched while new recipe lines are created. This can be useful for touring shows where you have additional fixtures for a performance and do not want to adjust the original group.
Macro Line | Usage |
Plugin RecipeTools "Search Group 1 At Preset 21.1 Clone Group 2 If Sequence 1" | This will open the GUI with a search recipe of Group 1 and Preset 21.1 and a filter of Sequence 1. You can then select which recipe lines to clone to. |
This function is used to clean up "unused" recipes from a specified target or range of targets. By "unused," we mean recipes that no longer have any valid values in the target because recipes further down the list have superseded them. For example, a cue has two recipes: Group 1 at Preset "Red" and Group 1 at Preset "Blue." The "Red" recipe will be removed in this case. You will notice that when using Auto-Recipe, this function occurs by default in the programmer to prevent the plugin from generating numerous unnecessary recipes while you experiment with different colours.
Macro Line | Usage |
Plugin RecipeTools "Cleanup Sequence 1 Cue 11 Thru 14" | This will perform a Cleanup of recipes in Sequence 1, Cues 11 Thru 14, without a GUI. |
This function allows you to create common single-hit bump sequences using recipes. It can be accessed through both the GUI and the command line. The plugin automatically generates a release preset for you, but you can customise it to use a specific preset, such as one that only releases the dimmer.
Macro Line | Usage |
Plugin RecipeTools "GoRelease Group 1 At Preset 21.1 If Sequence 9" | This will create a "Go" cue with a recipe line of Group 1 to Preset 21.1 in Sequence 9 and a "Release" cue to the default release preset. |
Plugin RecipeTools "GoRelease Programmer If Sequence 9 Cue 2" | The macro will create a Go/Release in Sequence 9 with the recipes currently in your programmer. The "Go" cue in this case will be stored to cue 2. |
Plugin RecipeTools "GoRelease Group 1 Thru 4 At Preset 21.1 Thru 4 If Sequence 9 Cue 1 Release Cue 99" | This creates a Go/Release with a recipe to Group 1 Thru 4 At Presets 21.1 Thru 4 in Sequence 9, with Cue 1 as the "Go" cue and cue 99 as the "Release". |
This function allows you to assign presets to cues throughout your sequence using recipes. It can be accessed through both the GUI and the command line. The plugin simplifies the process of programming by making it easy to assign presets to recipes within a sequence. The popup lets you assign a single preset to all selected cues or automatically create presets based on your cue names, ensuring an efficient and streamlined workflow for cue creation.
Macro Line | Usage |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe' | Will open the GUI with the current cue / sequence selected. |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe Simplify' | Will open the GUI with the current cue / sequence selected with Simplify on. |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe Simplify SelectAll' | Will open the GUI with all cues selected with Simplify on. |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe SelectNone' | Will open the GUI with no cues selected. |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe Sequence 4' | Will open the GUI with sequence 4 as the target. |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe Sequence 8 Cue 3 Simplify' | Will open the GUI with sequence 8 as the target, and cue 3 selected, with Simplify on. |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe Preset 21.14' | Will open the GUI with the current cue / sequence selected, and the destination preset will be set to Preset 21.14. |
Plugin RecipeTools 'CueRecipe Simplify SelectAll Preset 21.14' | Will open the GUI with all cues selected, and the destination preset will be set to Preset 21.14, with Simplify turned on. |
You can purchase RecipeTools now from our sales site. Simply click the button below to be taken to the checkout.
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