Here's a short video showing an example use of ViewMAker. In the example, a template view is made, then this view is used in the plugin to create dynamic copies.
View MAker is a plugin to make multiple copies of an MA3 view from a template. You can create identical copies or automatically increase pool elements for each view.
Graphical interface for storing multiple copies of a view. This can be really handy if you want a different view, with unique pool numbers for each song you are programming.
When your template view contains pool elements, you can click on the associated pool and set the pool start number and offset amount.
You can specify which view pool position you wish to store your copies at, you can also adjust the naming and quantity of the views created.
Here's a short video showing an example use of ViewMAker. In the example, a template view is made, then this view is used in the plugin to create dynamic copies.
Once Registered, ViewMAker works from Console, OnPC and OnMac MA3 software.
ViewMAker requires a USB stick to be used as a license key. Each purchase allows for 2 separate USB sticks to be registered as a key.
The current version of ViewMAker is V1.0.4.0. This version will not run on MA3 lower than V1.9.7.0 . Download the latest version here