
MArkersPRO builds on our MArkers plugin and adds Network functionality. The plugin is designed to make the process of creating time-coded sequences from Reaper DAW as easy as possible. Using an easy to use GUI to convert Reaper Markers to Multiple Sequences and time-coded events within MA3. No Exporting Needed, All Over Network.


Reaper Markers To MA3 Timecode Sequences using the .RPP project file or via a network connection.

Key Features

MArkersPRO includes all of the features our plugin MArkers has, plus the ability to import marker data via a network connection. MArkersPRO also allows you to control Reaper functions from the console, such as playback control, recording and turning the metronome on and off.

ArtNet Timecode

MArkersPRO ArtNet Timecode

You can send ArtNet timecode directly from Reaper to the MA over the network. No need for any audio or midi interfaces, and will also work between Reaper and MA on the same computer.

If you have previously bought MArkers, you can use your MArkers license code as a coupon at checkout to upgrade to MArkersPRO.


You can purchase MArkersPRO now from our sales site. Simply click the button below to be taken to the checkout.


System Requirements

Once Registered, MArkersPRO works from Console, OnPC and OnMac MA3 software.

MArkersPRO requires a USB stick to be used as a license key. Each purchase allows for 2 separate USB sticks to be registered as a key.

The current version of MArkersPRO is V1.0.8.0. This version will not run on MA3 lower than V1.9.2.2 . Download the latest version here

If you require more help with using MArkersPRO and its features, visit the help page.

MArkersPRO Manual